​Aisa had a passion for helping people, serving others and making others happy for as long as she can remember. After having taught elementary through high school for eight years in her beautiful hometown of Miami, she slowly transitioned into the real estate world and loved everything about it. Not only that she was able to work one-on-one with individuals, helping and guiding them through the process of selling and buying their own homes, but she was also able to have the flexibility to spend more time with her family. Being a Realtor in such a fast paced city as Miami taught her how important it is to put people first and that there is a lot more to being a great Realtor than just getting through the transaction. Leaving her hometown was bittersweet, but now that she is settled in and truly feel at home here in North Carolina, she is ready to get back to what she loves doing - back to helping others find their own meaning of home and serving the commercial needs of investors and small businesses.